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How to Choose The Best AC Filter for Your Home
AC Filters

How to Choose The Best AC Filter for Your Home

Spring has sprung and we are ready for all that warm weather! It's time to turn the heat off and prepare for that scorching sun, which means it's time to fire up that AC unit. The second you launc...

Furnace FiltersYoor Air vs Competitors: Resistance and Efficiency

Yoor Air vs Competitors: Resistance and Efficiency

In the world of HVAC systems, the quality of air filtration not only impacts air purity, but also affects energy efficiency, system longevity, and operational costs. Yoor Air's depth-loading furnac...

How to Change My Furnace Filter: The Complete Guide

How to Change My Furnace Filter: The Complete Guide

You just bought your first home, it was built in 1955, the outside temperature drops to 34 and your furnace kicks on for the first time all season. You grab a blanket snuggle up on your couch to bi...

Carbon FilterA Guide to Cleaner Home Air with Carbon Air Filters

A Guide to Cleaner Home Air with Carbon Air Filters

Oh, joy! Another riveting article about air filters, right? We can practically hear the excitement building up. But hang on, because we’re sending you for a roller coaster ride through the thrillin...

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7 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

7 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

What’s your I(A)Q? What we're referring to is the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in your home. Do you even know if you have good air, bad air, or something in between? And why is it a big deal, anyway? W...

Who the Heck Is MERV?

Who the Heck Is MERV?

MERV can tell you a lot about how well HVAC filters get the job done, but it doesn’t tell you everything...

Air FiltersYoor_Air_HVAC_air_filters_Change_your_air_filter_damnit_image of human with gas mask on and white hazmat suit

Change Your Air Filter, Damnit!

The most important thing you can do to take care of your HVAC system is...


5 Things HVAC Pros Don’t Want You to Know

When they say it’s that pricey flux-capacitor, how can you be sure it’s the truth...